All my life i have been aware of them..... people like me, yet different in the sense that they had a disability or a special ability. I dont know about you but i always have tried not to stare,not to show any sympathy on my face when i saw a disabled person. I always wondered which was more sad, being born with a disability or acquiring one in the course of life. I have thanked god silently countless times for making me the way i am whenever i pass such a person on the road. I am never putoff when people comment about my receeding hairline or lack of fitness etc because deep down i realized long ago that i am very much blessed to be the way i am. I also practice safety like a religion.
This morning as I was coming into my office from our fabrication shop,our cleaner guy who is dump and deaf was working away furiously on my carpet with the vaccum cleaner. Oddly enough the vaccum cleaner was not on as he had streched the wire a little bit too far . It suddenly dawned on me that he couldnt realize it was off because of his disability and i felt very very bad. I walked up behind him and plugged it again and he didnt know a thing. When he finished my office i squeezed his shoulders and he must have wondered why. He is a cool guy tho he video calls and uses sign language on phone, he drives every day to work, he has his own home and is married with two kids and he is my age 24. Thanks to him now i know sign lang also. I am happy to say that oman is a disabled friendly country
really thoughtful post:)....i dont really think they want us showing sympathy...they have carved something for themselves in their lives which they are happy with...
kaka ....true
very moving.
Very nice of you. I know many people who might just laugh at him if they were in your place. Or worse even ridicule. Forget sympathy.
A good post.
You wrote my mind there friend .. really ..! These very few special ones are mostly blessed with a heart of gold ... it's we people with abilities are the reason for the mass misery ... don't know if they are blessed or if we are cursed !
Well done ... nice post :)
Would love to see your insights on what I manage to write @:
In love with me and life
It's fascinating to think that people with disabilities as acute as that can have an equally normal life in Oman!
You. too, did a wonderful thing!
Cheers. :)
yeah! oman is quite disabled friendly. Wheel chair accessible atms, drivet thrus , banks , hospitals , airports , hotels etc etc
hey good job, and u r very kind at you heart...keep ir up!
Hi, thanks for posting on my blog, so just discovered yours. Good writing!
Ju ;)
Hiya firstly i was so happy to see the name "Scarlet Pimpernel" !!! has always been my hero :), still remember the tale of two cities!! thanks!
and luvd this post, that was a nice gesture wat yu did, but if yu dont mind i can just give in my thought...agree that our sympathetic look can but cause inferiority among the disabled ppl, but take for example if yu have not helped him...he wud have been cleaning all day long without realising, am only telling this if there were to be good ppl like yu around, i think its best to communicate and help them...hope yu gotcha..
cya blogrolled yu from now:) tak acre...and hope to cyu around
H a R y
thanks , got your point ..see you around :-)
thanks you are my fav brand :-)
deleted ???
Really appreciate how you feel about them. They are not disabled, such folks have extra capabilities than others. Instead of feeling pity, we should be proud of them.
The gesture of yours is appreciated.
This is what I feel - Letting the person know, would have made him independent next time, he will always make sure to double check.
Thoughtful one
did let him know ...
Oh that was truly sweet of you.
i'd say that it's a bit harsh to call them disabled.. they are differently abled persons.
your act was very so simple yet meaningful.so gud.
i think i'm becoming your fan... :) :P
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