Hi , This post is inspired by a similar post by angry in oman.
It was the last day of the academic year . I was in my second year at college and my seniors at our shared apartment who were in their final year were packing up all their stuff. The air was thick with emotion. They were distributing their used textbooks, notes, xerox copies assignments and what not. Me, I was rummaging through their lab records so that i could cut and paste most of the diagrams needed in my lab records and substitute their lab readings for the sessions i would definitely miss in the coming semesters taking in to my account my extracurricular activities
;-) . Strangely i came across a name again and again "Vinod.Das" on the lab records . Around 16 guys stayed in that 6 bedroom house and everybody knew everybody else and i was puzzled. I ran up to where all were everyone was lounging some were smoking some were busy on the computer and others were packing i singled out my favourite senior and drew him aside his name was " shambhu" . (He and me slept in the same room for 2 years, got drunk togother a hundred times ,shared cigarettes a thousand times and had so much fun togother ) and i showed him the record book and asked him " who is Vinod D?". All hell broke loose,I will take the look on his face to my grave i guess . It turned out that his name was actually Vinod Das and because he had this habit of chewing on loose tobacco always people called him by that tobacco brands name
Any ways it lightened the mood which would have been very sad otherwise.